Want to reduce the amount of soil brought in to your office?                                                Want to save money by cleaning your commercial carpet less often?

Here is why “walk-off” mats are so important for your place of business or even your home.


Floor mats, also called soil control mats and walk-off mats, are removable carpet pieces designed to trap soil and to be cleaned (or replaced) more often than the main carpeted areas.

As shown by the Carpet and Rug Institute (CRI), 80% of the soil brought into a building can be trapped within the first 12 to 15 feet after stepping onto a carpeted surface. To be effective, soil control mats should allow room for at least six footsteps, about 18-20 feet of walking space, and should be placed at all entryways and major transition areas. Unfortunately, most floor mats are an inadequate 2-9 feet!

Walk-off mats should be cleaned frequently. Once a walk-off mat becomes filled with soil, the soil will then transfer to the soles of shoes and spread throughout the facility.

A good walk-off mat performs these three tasks:

  1. Removes soil from the shoe.
  2. Absorbs large amounts of dirt, slowing the rate of transfer onto carpet surfaces.
  3. Absorbs excess moisture from wet shoes, thereby reducing soiling on the interior carpet.
  4. Absorbs salts from lots & drives in the winter and oils from lots & drives all year long.

The correct length of entry mats can help you keep your flooring investment looking great, paired with routine cleaning by an IICRC Certified company. Pay for it now, or pay for it later.


The importance of “walk-off” mats